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Tina Cox

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Creator of The Diva Journals


The Diva Journals is still blogging 

The Diva Journals is three years old, and since its conception, I’ve asked myself  several times, what exactly  is it that  I hope to do with it, besides let it continue on being the personal blog that it has always been.  After stepping outside of many of my comfort zones, this was birthed.

First off, let’s look at the word diva, and how it relates to The Diva Journals.  Often times diva is referred to as the woman who wants her every whim serviced,  who is often rude, mean, high maintenance, selfish, spoiled, overly dramatic, and treats  people with little or no respect.  No,  that’s not the diva we refer to in the journals.  If  you believe this is you because the before mentioned attributes pertain entirely to you, then you should know  you’re being perceived as nothing more than a loud and obnoxious woman displaying narcissistic  behavior not worthy of the title. 

The divas we journal about are extremely gifted with rare talents, compassionate, professional in whatever it is they are doing in life.  They demand high quality, because they are high quality, but in every aspect of their lives.  They love hard, they teach hard, they reach hard, they go in hard, all while maintaining their self-worth, a high self- esteem, and  keeping their integrity and ethical fiber intact.  We journal about them.  We want other women to know them.

There are so many wonderful, strong, educated women in the world. There are students, working women, entrepreneurs, authors, musicians, artists; all beautiful women, but we as a unit have become completely unglued.  I’m certain the picture that we’re painting of ourselves and of others is not pleasing in the eyes of God. The line between the virtuous women and the ride or die chick has virtually disappeared. We’re detached and almost void of compassion for each other.  We don’t have friends, because we can’t get along with each other. We don’t uplift and help each other anymore because we’re not uplifted and nobody’s helping us right?

Listen up Diva’s, when God created us [woman] we were not an afterthought. We were not just a late addition in His grand scheme of things.  He had a plan and a purpose for each and every one of us. I believe the purpose of The Diva Journals is to reach women of all ages, and all walks of life to simply communicate with them. 

It is my hopes that through this site, the blog, and social networking, friendships will be made, the conversation will be stimulating and thought provoking enough that women will start to identify with one another, uplift one another, and unite. It’s a platform where we can come together to read, laugh, write, network, and hopefully become the prima donna’s closely related to the blueprint of us that was designed so many years ago when God gently put the man to sleep, and fashioned us also in His image.

There will be monthly interviews posted with different women from all over, sharing their stories.  If you know of someone you would like The Diva Journals to consider showcasing on the site, please contact us via email. 

I hope, in fact I pray, since we [women] are dubbed the “great conversationalists”  we can converse, and have fun.  Are we ready Divas?  Let’s journal.


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